Analysis of the habits of black fish and methods of fishing for black fish in summer

                          • Black fish is also known as mullet, raw fish, wealth fish, snake fish, firehead fish, etc.

  Black fish is ferocious by nature, has strong reproductive capacity, and has a huge appetite. It can often eat all other fish in a lake or pond. Black fish can also glide on land and migrate to other waters to find food. It can live away from water for up to 3 days. As early as 2,000 years ago, it was listed as a top-grade insect and fish in the “Shennong Herbal Classic” along with rock honey, bees, beeswax (propolis), oysters, tortoise shells, mulberry ticks, sea clams, clams, carp, etc.

Black fish is a common edible fish in China. It is large, grows fast, and has high economic value. Black fish has few bone spurs, a high meat content, and is rich in nutrients, with higher protein content than chicken and beef. As a medicine, black fish has the effects of removing blood stasis, promoting new blood, nourishing and conditioning. After surgery, eating black fish has the effects of promoting muscle growth and blood, and promoting wound healing. It has very rich nutritional value.

Snakehead fish are tolerant to low oxygen, reproduce quickly, and have strong adaptability. Their traces can be found in waters all over my country. Today, let’s talk about summer fishing methods for snakehead fish.

1. Find the traces of snakehead fish according to their habits

You don’t need to make nests when fishing for snakehead fish. The key is to be able to find their traces. Finding their traces often requires judgment based on their living characteristics.

Snakehead fish have the habit of building nests. They often build their nests in the concave places of ditches, rivers, lakes and ponds, especially in secluded places with grass and shallow water. When building nests, first make a hole in the dense water grass. The shape is round or square. The size of the hole can be used to judge the size of the individual. Snakehead fish have the habit of loving their nests. When they are frightened out of their nests by strong enemies, they will return to their nests later.

Snakehead fish like to prey in areas with dense water grass and slow currents. If there are plants such as reeds and lotus roots near rivers, lakes, ditches and ponds, snakehead fish often appear nearby. Especially in the hot summer and autumn, they often hide there; in spring and late autumn, they will boldly bask in the sun on the bright water surface. On the bright water surface, it mostly does not move, looking like a small piece of wood stick. Only when it sees food, it will suddenly rush over and eat it.

Black fish has the habit of protecting its young. May to July every year is its spawning and breeding period. After the nest is built, the male and female black fish cooperate to ovulate and protect the eggs until the young fish disperse. During this period, the black fish will never leave the nest.

At first, the fish eggs float on the water surface in yellow, which we call “yellow nest”. After the young fish hatch, they gradually turn black, like a group of tadpoles, densely packed. They always swim up and down in groups. We often call it “black nest”. Before these young fish disperse, their parents are their bodyguards. Once the enemy invades, they will go forward and fight with it.

2. Equip fishing gear for black fish

Black fish swim very fast in the water and have great strength, especially large ones. Once they are hooked, the impact force is very great, and it is difficult to cope with small hooks, thin lines and soft rods. Use a 6-7 meter long rod to fish for black fish. You can choose high-quality nylon line, but it must be thick line with a diameter of more than 0.5 mm, or high-strength braided line. The fishing line does not need to be long, 1.5-2 meters is enough. If the fishing line is too long, it will get in the way. Tie a large hook for black fish fishing, and do not use floats and lead sinkers.

3. Bait and fishing method

Black fish is a pure carnivorous fish, and it is one of the overlords in the aquarium. Almost all small animals in the water are its prey, especially fish, shrimps, frogs, and even water snakes and water birds will become its food. Therefore, when choosing bait, you should try to use live bait, with loaches and small frogs being the most ideal. If these two live baits cannot be found, live small fish can also be used.

When hooking, try to thread from the tail to the mouth, with the hook tip slightly exposed, but not too exposed. The live bait twists and turns on the hook, which is most attractive to the black fish. Now some people also use lures for fishing. From an environmental protection perspective, the use of lures should be promoted.

Black fish is suitable for walking fishing, which is to search for targets while walking. Once the trace of black fish is found, you should stop immediately, cleverly use the terrain and objects, hide your figure, slowly move forward, and then raise the rod to quietly hang the hook bait. The most ideal casting point is 20 to 25 cm in front of the black fish’s head. If there is no movement, you can pull it up and down to tease it.

As long as it finds delicious food, it will pounce on the food and bite it. At this time, don’t be impatient to raise the rod. Only wait for it to swallow and swim to deep water or grass. At this time, a series of large and small bubbles will appear along the way. This period is not the best time to raise the rod. The best time is when those bubbles gradually decrease and disappear, because at this time it has eaten the hook bait firmly. The force of lifting the rod should be stronger. When fishing for black fish, you don’t need to play the fish. You can directly pull it ashore with a strong fishing gear.

Sometimes, you can’t see the trace of black fish, but there are signs that there are black fish in this area of ​​water. For example, there are nests in this area, there are grass holes in the dense water plants, and there are floating grass around the grass holes; for example, if you find “yellow nests” or “black nests”, you can try fishing at this time. Try to put hooks in the grass holes and grass ditches in this area, use frog bait to hit the water surface, and make the water make a “pa pa” sound. You can also sink the bait hook 20 to 40 cm, shake it and stop, and lure nearby black fish to prey.

If you can’t attract it for a long time in such waters, you can also pick up a brick and throw it into the water. If there are black fish there, they will be frightened and flee to the deep water, splashing water, making noises, and leaving bubbles all the way. As long as we remember that area of ​​water, we will often get something when we go fishing the next day.

Post time: Jul-25-2024